Detox Program. Day 2.

Oh my goodness!  I was SOOO drained yesterday.  Here is a run down of what I had yesterday:

  • 2 cups of carrot, cuccumber, and celery juice
  • 2 cups of broccoli soup
  • 2 cups of spinach, green beans, and zucchini juice
  • 2 cups of apple juice
  • 8 cups of water

Totaling to 4 quarts of liquids!  I also walked 2.75 miles at the local trail.  When the evening hit, I was SO unfocused, so hungry, and so tired!  That was just my body being in total shock to what was going on.  My body was waiting for that meat and potatoes! LOL  I was SO glad when I went to bed.  That was at least 7 hours away from hunger agony.

I woke up this morning still feeling a little lethargic.  I honestly didn’t feel like getting up.  But today, I decided to make 7 cups of fruit juices so I could have some sugar in my blood stream and hopefully some more energy.  I made:

  • 3 cups of apple juice
  • 4 cups of pear and cucumber juice

The pear and cucumber juice is actually refreshing and went down easily.  The apple juice wasn’t bad either, which I didn’t expect it to be.  My first cup was really great since it was fresh out the blender and very warm (I boiled the apples to soften them up before they went into the blender).  As of right now, I still have 2 cups of apple juice to drink and 2 cups of pear and cucumber juice.  I will most likely finish these by 6pm.  I have already had 3 cups of water to drink and have 5 more to drink.  I will update later.

Oh, and walking that 2.75 mile trail was much easier today!

One Response

  1. Woot, woot! – you go girl! I think it’s great you’ve got someone else on it as you can both support each other. Plus, now you’ve got me 🙂

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